A Revolution In Fitness!
Watch this video to learn the 3 biggest mistakes most people make in their health and fitness, and how this 100-year old fitness method from France is changing the game!
"Best Workout I've Ever Had!"
Your Hard Core Bod awaits!
This online fitness studio gives you a unique at-home workout that reaches the deep muscles to improve posture, and build core strength, in a way that NO other exercise does. The proof is in the results! Our members range from ballet dancers and Olympic athletes improving their performance, to people wanting to recover from chronic pain so they can get active and enjoy life again.
Join Today!
Perfect Health and Fitness in the Comfort of Your Home
The HardCoreBod Method was designed for you to do in the comfort of your own home (or even hotel room). No equipment necessary! All you need is a mat or towel, and your own body weight. All fitness levels welcome, from elite athlete to those wanting to lose extra inches around their waistline. You will get results!
Join Today
Improved posture is your secret weapon to look, feel, and function better.

Core Strength
Activate your core strength in a way you never have before.

Deep Muscles
Access your deepest muscles for full-body flexibility & fitness.
Nothing Short Of Incredible
"After about 6 months...the physical results that I have obtained in that short time frame are nothing short of incredible. I am stronger mentally, through the core and overall body, my posture and flexibility have improved greatly and my continual pain demon is all gone. I have not been able to obtain this type of progress anywhere else and I was truly at a point of giving up." - Erica Yorga
Better Results Than All Other Combined Types Of Treatments For My Chronic Pain
" I am a long time runner with no flexibility. I have had low back problems that have seriously curtailed other activities I enjoy. I have tried physiotherapy, chiropractic sessions, massage therapy and acupuncture, all with varying results but none with significant relief. I have been doing these classes on a regular basis for only three months and the results, I think, are better than all the treatments combined. My only regret is in not doing this years ago." - Jamie Polley, Lawyer
I Can Generate More Power
This technique definitely made me more stable. Core stability is really important for my sport; it helped the connection between upper and lower body so I can generate more power. The exercise program does much more than you think it will. You can work as hard as you can and get a lot more out of it in comparison to other programs that seem very hard but don't really do that much." - Jamie Gregg, Speedskater
“I have seen great results with my elite athletes.”
Great program for elite athletes. Increased in size and strength. I could see the results in the lab through tests done by occupational therapy.
— Bart Schouten, Coach
Speedskating Canada Team
“If it feels too easy, you are doing it wrong!”
In this new normal, many have moved to virtual workouts. I find the most effective strengthening and flexibility training that I’ve ever done is offered by Patricia Maybury and her HardCoreBod Method! It has been equally as effective doing the sessions virtually from my home...Patricia’s knowledge of the human body is incredible and she is able to teach anyone how to contract/fire the right muscles during movement. Because she knows the body and the regular “cheats” that each of us migrates to, she can catch each one and help retrain your brain in how to move correctly thus preventing a lot of injury!
“If it feels too easy, you are doing it wrong!” As a chiropractor I greatly appreciate someone who can properly train both myself and my patients (who I regularly refer) in better movement as we work together to keep them healthy and performing at their max!
— Heather Pritchard, Chiropractor

Client Spotlight: Richard
Having suffered with back pain since being injured in 2008, my daily life had been impacted to the point that I couldn’t sit without excruciating pain. After many options had failed to get me back on my feet I had lost all hope of my life improving.
Within a short time after joining the HardCoreBod, I experienced total relief from the pain and I was back in control of my life rather than being controlled by the pain. Since then I have been able to climb to Kilimanjaro and the Everest Base Camp without experiencing any adverse pain.
Thank you to Pat and her team. The passion and enthusiasm that everyone shows is remarkable. You can tell that everybody loves what they do. I would without hesitation recommend HardCoreBod to anyone suffering from back pain.
Every treatment has been supported by advice, guidance and care.
Client Spotlight: Dr. Nancy Love, MD
My name is Nancy Love and I have been attending classes at the HardCoreBod for 1 1/2 years. I am going to share how this program has given me back fun and enjoyment in my life.
I first heard about the HardCoreBod from my long time friend Diana. She is one of the excellent ‘hardcore’ instructors at the Table. She detected my poor spinal position and limited core strength years ago and was clear to me that I was a HardCoreBod candidate. My weak back and poor posture was the accumulation of years of standing all day attending patients in my family medical practice and sitting in front of a computer with neck forward position in the evenings. In spite of Diana’s suggestion, I did not call up the HardCoreBod until I developed sciatica due to a degenerative and torn lumbar disc. My physical activities had come to an abrupt halt. It was painful and somewhat depressing. Many physio sessions helped with the pain, and I was able to walk, but something more needed to change before I would be able to get back into sports.
In July 2014, I had an assessment with Patricia at the HardCoreBod. I appreciated the thorough evaluation and was happy that she was optimistic that the core strength program she offered would be safe and helpful for me.
I started the Special Back Class and was reassured by the pace and careful focus on the exercises. I had lots to learn. I found that Patricia and the other instructors very conscious of providing a progression of exercises that gradually improve strength and flexibility with care not to flare up any underlying injury. I learned a lot about using the muscles that support my spine and also patience and humility!
After 6 months I was able to walk without any pain going down the legs. After 9 months I started swinging the golf club, and this fall I was back playing tennis. I have even been able to ride a bike! Bonus benefits are some weight loss, reappearance of my waistline, and miraculous flattening of that pesky tummy pooch! Yay!
I know that to continue to enjoy my activities that I love, and to prevent injury, I need to keep up with my regular program. I am happy to do that because of the difference it has made to my life. I am forever grateful for the HardCoreBod team!

Client Spotlight: Jane Duncan
I have been a loyal client of Patricia and the HardCoreBod Method since 2008. As a former dancer, I wish I had discovered this method while I was still dancing. I firmly believe that if I had done so, I would have been injured less. And now as a burgeoning painter who uses physicality in the creative process – it keeps me moving with ease, strength, and flexibility. The classes are strategic, scaffolded, brilliantly taught – and above all – highly effective.
So, I was delighted when Patricia innovated to extend her services beyond the studio walls to go online. Her online classes are equally engaging, motivating, fun, and effective. As always, she meets her clients where they are and challenges and supports them accordingly. All sessions are on video so clients have access 24/7 so any schedule can be accommodated. I whole heartedly recommend the online classes. It is fitness for life – now – anytime, anywhere!
So What Exactly Is The HardCoreBod Method?

Do I need a table?
No. The HardCoreBod Method was designed to be done on the floor, in the comfort of your own home.
Although we show the table in the background of the videos, and use it to demonstrate on the models in some of the session videos, it’s only used as a prop. The HardCoreBod Method was developed specifically to be done on the floor, on a mat or towel.
But why work on the deep muscles?
In the long term, static positions and lack of exercise results in a loss of muscle tone in the deep musculature and that can lead to chronic back and joint pain.
Who can practice the HardCoreBod Method?
Anyone between the ages of 15 and 85 who has the desire to follow an original and focused method that will provide benefits day after day. The HardCoreBod Method focuses on the quality, precision and intensity of the training rather than on the quantity of exercise.
Am I strong enough to practice the method?
This isn’t about employing Herculean strength, rather it is about isolating the deep muscles and doing exercises of increasing intensity. As one develops more control, the exercises make more demands on the muscle groups, which in addition improves posture and increases flexibility and precision in everyday movements.
What if I have injuries, will I be able to keep up?
The HardCoreBod Method offers a great variety of movement, avoiding monotony and stimulating interest and imagination to develop greater motor control. Everyone works at his/her own rhythm while being encouraged to take on increasingly advanced exercises. Bad posture and stiff muscles can lead to chronic pain; when the body compensates for loss of flexibility it does not function as well. In addition to the strengthening exercises, our training includes exercises for flexibility.

Client Spotlight: Gina
This month I’m celebrating my one year anniversary with the HardCoreBod team. I started at the HardCoreBod after suffering with a herniated disc and related pain for three months. At that time, my walk was best described as a shuffle and all of the special back class exercises were modified to accommodate my injury.
Even though I was severely limited in my movements, the knowledgeable instructors modified the workout so I could strengthen my core at my own pace and capabilities.
On top of the physical training, the instructors were also cheerleaders who helped me recognize my progress. I hadn’t heard of HardCoreBod until I was referred to the studio, but since then I have come to realize that many people know of the great program and the progress you can make with it (including doctors and my physiotherapist).
Today I don’t have pain and feel stronger than I did before my injury. What else can I say? I’m a huge fan and have my sights set on the higher levels.
Client Spotlight: Tony
My name is Tony Smith I first started feeling pain and numbness in my legs in February 2012, I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis in May 2013. Prior to being diagnosed enjoyed playing hockey, golf, working out and generally being active, however once the problem began I was in noticeable pain and could not stand up straight and walking was painful. It lasted for three and a half years. In November 2014 I had an operation to correct this problem.
Following the operation I developed a constant pain from the base of my back to the top of my knees, I was very disappointed I could not continue my active lifestyle. I was frustrated and thought I required a second back operation to alleviate my back issues.
In April 2015 a physiotherapist I was seeing recommended I see Patricia Maybury at HardCoreBod. I explained my issues to Patricia and she asked me to bring in my MRI. Patricia set me up with some lessons and showed me how to strengthen the deep musculature, technical stretching, and breathing exercises. After about six weeks at HardCoreBod, my back and legs began to feel progressively better.
Over the past three and a half years I tried a number of programs trying to relieve my back and leg problems, the stretching and breathing program at HardCoreBod is the only one that has worked at strengthening my back, relieving my pain and allowing to continue doing the things I enjoy.
Today my posture has improved dramatically and I am able to walk pain free, I have begun to do many activities I thought six months ago I would not be able to do.

Client Spotlight: Daniel
The past two years I have been playing professional golf competing on various tours with the goal of making it to the PGA tour. Now with being a professional athlete injury prevention and fitness are very important to me.
I have been going to HardCoreBod for over a year now and when I first started I was surprised to find the classes challenging. I found it difficult to do the beginner exercises and saw there was much room for improvement in my core, flexibility and posture.
I have had a history of serious back problems since I was 16 to which at one point I couldn’t run for a year and even found walking difficult. Since then I have worked hard on my fitness to be physically the best I can be for my sport. I’m always looking for ways to improve and have been hooked on the HardCore Method as a compliment to my gym workouts.
With the knowledge of the staff and their attention to detail, over the past year I have progressed to higher levels in HardCoreBod and have noticed a significant change in my range of motion , body awareness , posture and core strength; all of which are very important in golf. In turn this has translated into my golf being more consistent.
With the higher classes still being very challenging I am excited to see how much better I can get. I highly recommend HardCoreBod to anyone who is either an athlete or looking to improve their fitness and health.
Client Spotlight: Robert
Dear Patricia,
I just want you to know how very much I appreciate and have appreciated for so many years now - 15 is it? I'm not sure - your care and consistency in bringing all your knowledge of the body's mechanics to each and every contact with your students. I have learned so much from you and I’m so grateful for the generosity with which you share your knowledge, your insights and your caring. I truly think you are one of the best teachers I have even had in any discipline. It is a gift for which I am even grateful. What a time this is! What a time yet to come! I send you all my best thoughts.
A big hug,